The Otter Point Emergency Preparedness Program, a regional arm of the Juan de Fuca Emergency Planning Committee, has been formed to help reduce risk and hardship by encouraging people to be prepared for the possibility a major disaster strikes our community.
The Community Coordinator for Otter Point is Al Wickheim who can be reached by email at
or email directly to the CRD Emergency Coordinator at
The increasing frequency of natural disasters and their colossal impact has given rise to the emergency preparedness concept.
Following a major disaster such as an earthquake, tsunami, wildfire, interface fire, or severe weather event, it is likely Otter Point will be without electricity, telephone
service and access to necessities like food, water, medications and fuel.
Blocked roads and damaged bridges will make it impossible for emergency services to reach Otter Point for an extended period of time.
Even once the way has been cleared it could be a while before emergency personnel arrive due to an increased demand for their services in larger communities like Victoria, Vancouver, Seattle, etc.
Should such a situation occur, Otter Point and surrounding communities will be left to rely on themselves for recovery assistance and support.
Because of our remoteness, it is recommended that everyone be prepared to be
self-reliant for a two to three week period – not 72 hours which is suggested mainly for urban areas.
Otter Point Neighbourhood Emergency Response Pod Program
Recognizing the importance of immediate neighbours following a disaster, the Otter Point Emergency Preparedness Committee has organized Otter Point into 35 Pods, or micro-neighbourhoods, each consisting of 20 to 30 homes called Pods.
Organizing our community into self-reliant Pods provides a structure whereby neighbours look out for one another – particularly the vulnerable living within.
The effectiveness of this plan will depend upon the willingness of neighbours
to organize and band together.
Every Pod, under the leadership of a volunteer Pod Captain living within the Pod,
is to organize itself to become self-reliant.
Pod Captains will be provided with radio communications linked to nearby pods and a command center for communication of status and needs.
Many volunteers within Otter Point are necessary in order to put
this plan into effect. Should you be willing to volunteer,
To find out which POD you belong to click here: O P Pod Map
Free O P Emergency Booklet
For valuable information on how to get yourself and your family prepared,
download a copy of the
Otter Point Emergency Preparedness Information Booklet.
Print your own copy for reading then place it within your emergency kit.
Following are some additional links provided by your community coordinators.
Links to related resources |
JDF Emergency Management Home Page |
Public Safety Canada – Get Prepared |
Provincial Emergency Program |
Canadian Red Cross |